Alliance for Retired Law Enforcement Officers
“Enhancing Your Future Beyond the Badge”
A Law Enforcement Officer is NEVER fully Retired. We at ARLEO, understand this to be true because that’s who we are, Retired Law Enforcement Officers. We will provide a resource for Legal Protection for those who have risked their lives every day to Protect others. We offer the Legal Support You Deserve and the ability to Monetarily Enjoy a Healthy and Fulfilling Life after a LEO puts away their Shield. We know who You are and You will Always be there to Protect…
The Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund
“Assistance for Officers Injured or Killed in the Line of Duty”
The organization supports immediate surviving family members if an officer is killed in the line-of-duty. The funds are to provide some assistance in transition recovery, not to make them whole. Our goal is to lessen the immediate financial hardship and provide assistance. The Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund is a non-profit charitable corporation organized and operated exclusively for charity within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal revenue Code.